annotateClass(Class) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObjectOutputStream
an overloaded ObjectOutputStream.annotateClass(Class), serializing the class bytecode to the given to the constructor stream


CertificateBasedClassSelector - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util
Class selector based on certificates It selects all classes except: All classes signed with the given build certificate will not be included Neither those with no CodeSource defined (presumed to be system classes) This class is useful when you have an environment where each "system" class is signed with some certificate, while all "other" (external) classes are not.
CertificateBasedClassSelector() - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.CertificateBasedClassSelector
ClassSelector - Interface in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling
This interface is is used by MarshaledObject to select those classes, whose bytecode is to be marshaled together with the object itself.


flush() - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObjectOutputStream
flush the streams call this before trying to obtain bytes from the output byte streams passed to the constructor this method can be called only once!


get() - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObject
Returns a new instance of the contained marshaled (serialized) object.
get(ClassLoader) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObject
Returns a new instance of the contained marshaled (serialized) object.
getClassBytecodes() - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObject
Get a new instance of the serialized classes.


HidingClassLoader - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util
Class loader "hiding" any class part of given list of hierarchies.
HidingClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.HidingClassLoader
construct hiding classloader with given parent
HidingClassLoader(ClassLoader, Collection) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.HidingClassLoader
construct hiding classloader with given parent and list of prefixes
HidingClassLoader(ClassLoader, String[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.HidingClassLoader
construct hiding classloader with given parent and list of prefixes


init() - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.CertificateBasedClassSelector
Before calling this methof one has to set one of these two options: CertificateBasedClassSelector.setKeystoreUrl(URL) and CertificateBasedClassSelector.setCertificateName(String) CertificateBasedClassSelector.setCertificate(Certificate) If it has been provided keystore URL and certificate name, this method will read the certificate.
isClassToBeMarshaled(Class) - Method in interface net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.ClassSelector
decide if the class bytecode is to be marshaled
isClassToBeMarshaled(Class) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.CertificateBasedClassSelector
looks to find if the given class: is system (no code source object) it has been signed with cluster's build certificate In either if these two cases it will return "false".
isClassToBeMarshaled(Class) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NamePrefixedClassSelector
check if the class name is part of the list of class prefixes.
isClassToBeMarshaled(Class) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NullClassSelector
recognizes no class


loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledClassLoader
attempts to load the class via parent class loader.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.HidingClassLoader
class lookup call.


MarshaledClassLoader - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling
Class loader used to resolve required classes during de-serialization.
MarshaledClassLoader(Map) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledClassLoader
Initialize the classloader with a map with class bytecodes The the parent classloader will be defined by Classloader.getSystemClassLoader().
MarshaledClassLoader(Map, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledClassLoader
initialize the classloader with the given map with class bytecodes and specified classloader as parent
MarshaledObject - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling
Wraps an object into a serializable representation.
MarshaledObject(Object, ClassSelector) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObject
Wrapper for the object and selected classes of his, represented internally in a serialized form.
MarshaledObjectInputStream - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling
An ObjectInputStream which is resolving needed classes (during de-serialization) via the supplied classloader.
MarshaledObjectInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObjectInputStream
Initialize the object
MarshaledObjectOutputStream - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling
An ObjectOutputStream which is serializing the object and its classes in two parallel output stream.
MarshaledObjectOutputStream(OutputStream, OutputStream, ClassSelector) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObjectOutputStream
Instantiate the output stream using one stream for the object itself and another stream for selected class bytecodes.
marshallClass(Class) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObjectOutputStream
marshal class's bytecode It does that only once per gven class


NamePrefixedClassSelector - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util
Select classes based on list of prefixes.
NamePrefixedClassSelector() - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NamePrefixedClassSelector
instantiate the object with empty list of prefixes
NamePrefixedClassSelector(String[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NamePrefixedClassSelector
instantiate the object with given list of prefixes
NamePrefixedClassSelector(Collection) - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NamePrefixedClassSelector
instantiate the object with given list of prefixes
net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling - package net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling
The package contains the main MarshaledObject class used by the client applications.
net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util - package net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util
The package contains particular implementations of ClassSelector interface
NullClassSelector - Class in net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util
Class selector which does not select any class created on Mar 10, 2009
NullClassSelector() - Constructor for class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NullClassSelector


resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.MarshaledObjectInputStream
lookup for the class using the classloader


setCertificate(Certificate) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.CertificateBasedClassSelector
set the certificate One has to set one of these two options: CertificateBasedClassSelector.setKeystoreUrl(URL) and CertificateBasedClassSelector.setCertificateName(String) this property
setCertificateName(String) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.CertificateBasedClassSelector
set the certificate's name One has to set one of these two options: this and CertificateBasedClassSelector.setKeystoreUrl(URL) CertificateBasedClassSelector.setCertificate(Certificate)
setKeystoreUrl(URL) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.CertificateBasedClassSelector
set certificate's keystore location One has to set one of these two options: this and CertificateBasedClassSelector.setCertificateName(String) CertificateBasedClassSelector.setCertificate(Certificate)
setPrefixes(Collection) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.HidingClassLoader
assign list of class hierarchies which are to be hided by this classloader
setPrefixes(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.HidingClassLoader
assign list of class hierarchies which are to be hided by this classloader
setPrefixes(Collection) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NamePrefixedClassSelector
set the list of prefixes
setPrefixes(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util.NamePrefixedClassSelector
set the list of prefixes


Copyright © 2007 Nikolay Fiykov. All Rights Reserved.