Package net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util

The package contains particular implementations of ClassSelector interface


Class Summary
CertificateBasedClassSelector Class selector based on certificates It selects all classes except: All classes signed with the given build certificate will not be included Neither those with no CodeSource defined (presumed to be system classes) This class is useful when you have an environment where each "system" class is signed with some certificate, while all "other" (external) classes are not.
HidingClassLoader Class loader "hiding" any class part of given list of hierarchies.
NamePrefixedClassSelector Select classes based on list of prefixes.
NullClassSelector Class selector which does not select any class created on Mar 10, 2009

Package net.sf.fikin.classmarshaling.util Description

The package contains particular implementations of ClassSelector interface.

Copyright © 2007 Nikolay Fiykov. All Rights Reserved.